martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

General Information..!!

Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne is an Art and Science of Hospitality Management School.


The Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne was the first hotel school in the world. It was founded over a hundred years ago, in 1893, during the Belle Epoque when Switzerland was experiencing an unprecedented boom in tourism and there was an urgent need for skilled and professional personnel, at every level from management down.

This was the era of the grand palaces and magnificent hotels - still visible today - built along the shore of Geneva and in mountain resorts high above the lake, in order to accommodate a growing international and often wealthy and famous people.


The beginnings of tourism

Tourism as such had begun a few years earlier, in the middle of the 19th century. Several factors converged to influence its remarkable growth in Switzerland and the development of Swiss supremacy in the hospitality tradition:

· the "grand tour" of Europe undertaken by young English aristocrats for their coming of age
· the development of mountaineering and endurance sports
· the growing tradition of harboring writers, philosophers and scientists who found in Switzerland a haven for peace for their work or, beginning with Voltaire, a refuge from persecution
· the reputation of Switzerland as a country of pure mountain air and advanced medical knowledge that could help in the treatment of tuberculosis - and attract wealthy hypochondriacs...
· the growing attractiveness of Switzerland, with its impressive scenery, invigorating climate and tradition of discretion and neutrality, as a home for the rich and famous - a tradition that continues to this day.

Grand hotels and palaces

The rapid growth of this wealthy and highly demanding clientele resulted in a huge increase in hotels. Fifty palaces and grand hotels were built between 1834 and the opening of the School in 1893, and the number had more than doubled by the outbreak of the First World War. The demand for skilled employees and dynamic managers also grew exponentially in response to the need for high standards of individualized service.

The Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne

EHL was founded in response to this need. At the time, the idea of a hotel school was revolutionary. EHL's founder, Jacques Tschumi, an influential member of the Swiss Hotel Association, had to persuade his rather reticent fellow members that the project was a realistic and viable one. His vision was soon to be proved well-founded.

It is a private college and is the oldest hotel school in the world. We offer university level studies to students who are aiming for top careers in the hospitality industry. We also offer advanced programs which are recognized by the Swiss government. It is accredited as an Institution of Higher Education by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. It is generally accepted industry wide as the best hotel school in the world next to the Cornell School of Hotel Administration.

Our mission is to prepare the leaders for tomorrow. Our philosophy of learning, combining experience and discovery, leads to the mastery of the arts and sciences of hospitality management.

It is located in Lausanne, Switzerland. You must be 18 to enter to this college.


Phone: +41 (21) 785 11 11
Fax: +41 (21) 785 11 21

International Students..!!

Application Process

As we know it is difficult for you to travel here only for your application process we have created an online application. Please note that your application will not be processes until the EHL Admissions Office has received all of your documents in the correct format.

• Secondary school diploma – we need a copy of your final secondary school diploma. However, if you are in your final year of secondary studies and have not yet received your diploma, you may apply for conditional acceptance based on your results throughout the year.
• Transcripts – your application must include a transcript of your grade reports and academic results for the last three year of your secondary school studies. If possible, it should show all courses completed grades, overall grade average, and class rank.
• Essay – the personal essay is an important part of your application. We expect you to spend a great deal of time and care on it.
• Other documents – any other additional documents which you would like to include. Examples: academic prizes, sports awards, employment certificates, your C.V, etc.

Profile for International Students:

Hospitality offers great opportunities. But it is not for everyone. You need a special combination of talents to succeed in this complex and dynamic environment. On the one hand, you are running a successful business and you need hard business skills and know-how. On the other, you are dealing with intangibles as you create magical experiences for your clients and you need both relationship and artistic skills.

Admission Process:

Bachelor: Our 4-year Bachelor program will interest you if you are aiming for senior management positions and an international business career in the hospitality industry.

In general, we ask for results which are well above a basic pass. We will assess your transcripts carefully, looking at the rigour of your programme of study, your choice of subjects and your results.

In addition to your formal qualifications, you will need to show evidence that you have taken challenging courses which entail analytical and reasoning skills.

Secondary education credentials accepted
• French Baccalauréat
• International Baccalaureate
• British A-Levels (minimum 3 required)
• Bachillerato (South America)
• American High School Diploma plus evidence of higher achievement (3 AP or IB Higher Level certificates), plus satisfactory SAT 1 results. (SAT scores must be sent directly to EHL by the College Board). EHL's institutional code is 4102.

English Section:

English Language Qualifications

For study in the Bachelor programme's English section, you will need an excellent written and verbal command of English, as demonstrated by one of the following:
• Evidence that for the last six years of secondary school you studied in an institution in which English was the main medium of instruction (transcripts, certificate)
or one of the following English tests:
• TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), minimum score 100 for the iBT (internet-based test), 600 (paper-based test) or 250 (computer-based test).
• Cambridge Advanced Certificate, minimum grade B
• IELTS Academic Module (International English Language Testing System), minimum overall band 7.
• IB candidates need to obtain a minimum grade of 4 for English A (HL and SL) or a minimum grade of 5 for English B (HL).
• A-level candidates will be exempted from submitting a language certificate if they obtain a grade of B in English Language or Literature.

Second Language Qualifications

Your second language may be your mother tongue, or you may demonstrate that you have studied a language other than English.
A working knowledge of French
Some knowledge of French is also recommended.

French Section:

If you choose to study in the French Section, you will need both French and English qualifications:

French Language Qualifications

You need to show that you have an excellent written and verbal command of French, as demonstrated by one of the following:
• Evidence that for the last six years of secondary school you studied in an institution where French is the main medium of instruction (transcripts, certificate)
or one of the following French tests:
• Diplôme Supérieur Langue et Culture Françaises (DSLCF)
• DALF C1 (Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française)

English language qualifications

Even if you are studying in the French section, you will need to show that you have sufficient proficiency in English by submitting one of the following certificates:
• TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) minimum score
- 550 (paper-based)
• Cambridge Advanced Certificate, minimum grade C, or
• IELTS Academic Module (International English Language Testing System), minimum overall band 6.0

Room & Board; General Costs:

Room – it has a cost of 16,000 Swiss Francs p/ student. You would have to share this room with a partner; it has a complete bathroom, 2 individual beds, a big closet divided in 2, and 2 individual desks for homework and any other thing that you need.
General cost – it has a cost of 100,000 American Dollars for the 4 years. You can pay it all the first year or you can choose one of the options below.

1. 25,000 p/ year (4 payments)
2. 2,804 each month (48 payments)
3. 12,500 every 6 months (8 payments)
4. 50,000 two payments, whatever it is at the beginning, 1st year, at the middle, 3rd year or at the end (choose 2 of the 4).


Why a career in hospitality?

If you choose hospitality, you will discover new countries, new cultures, new people, and new ideas. You have plenty of scope for creativity and initiative and you can go very high, very fast. Many exciting opportunities exist in hotel, resorts and restaurant industries. But hospitality is much more than hotels and restaurants, and is not always travellers and vacationers. It includes: theme and adventure parks, club management for country clubs or spas and fitness clubs, airlines, casinos, club management, travel agencies, etc. Never have there been so many openings and opportunities!


What students think..!!

When I enter to this college I really don’t feel sure about what they say, I thought that it was only to promote their school but know that I am already graduate and I my restaurant is growing and growing I can tell you only one thing. The Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne was the best decision I had taken in all my entire life.
Jessica Parks, 2005.

Well I am still in this school but things are really getting better since I enter, now things are more clear, I know exactly what I want of my life and I know that what I have learned and what I will learn in this college will get me into my goals.
Robert Dickson, 2009



lunes, 25 de mayo de 2009

We Want To Know Your Opinion..!

Please answer the next survey for us, it is to important for us
Thank You.

1. What is better for you? Age: ______
A) Having Dorms Gender:_____
B) Be Independent

2. What do you prefer?
A) Choose your partner to sleep with.
B) Shuffle
C) None (only if you answered b in # 1)

3. It is better to make you own schedule.
A) True
B) False

4. What is better?
A) Having the opportunity of a job while studying
B) Dedicate all your time to study

5. Do you prefer classes at...?
A) morning
B) noon

6. What are the priorities you are looking in a University/College?

7. What do you prefer?
A) University
B) College

8. How many classes would you like to have a day?
A) 5-6
B) 7-8
C) 9-10

9. Who do you think deserves more a scholarship?
A) A person with a very good grade
B) A person with a good grade and always participate in school activities.

10. In a scale of 1-5, how do you think is your English? 1- Bad 5- excellent.

1 2 3 4 5

To Take This Survey Please Click On The Link Below

If You Want To Know The Results Pls Click On The Link Below
