lunes, 25 de mayo de 2009

We Want To Know Your Opinion..!

Please answer the next survey for us, it is to important for us
Thank You.

1. What is better for you? Age: ______
A) Having Dorms Gender:_____
B) Be Independent

2. What do you prefer?
A) Choose your partner to sleep with.
B) Shuffle
C) None (only if you answered b in # 1)

3. It is better to make you own schedule.
A) True
B) False

4. What is better?
A) Having the opportunity of a job while studying
B) Dedicate all your time to study

5. Do you prefer classes at...?
A) morning
B) noon

6. What are the priorities you are looking in a University/College?

7. What do you prefer?
A) University
B) College

8. How many classes would you like to have a day?
A) 5-6
B) 7-8
C) 9-10

9. Who do you think deserves more a scholarship?
A) A person with a very good grade
B) A person with a good grade and always participate in school activities.

10. In a scale of 1-5, how do you think is your English? 1- Bad 5- excellent.

1 2 3 4 5

To Take This Survey Please Click On The Link Below

If You Want To Know The Results Pls Click On The Link Below


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